Origins and innovations

Currently Exclusively on Amazon.

The Thumb Piano, also known as the Kalimba, has deep roots in African musical traditions, dating back thousands of years. Originating from regions such as Zimbabwe and Mozambique, the Kalimba was originally crafted from wood and metal, with its simple design enabling the creation of beautiful, resonant melodies. The instrument’s portability and ease of use made it a popular choice for spiritual ceremonies and storytelling, as its unique sound could evoke a wide range of emotions. Over time, the Kalimba has evolved, and Newlam making this traditional instrument with modern craftsmanship.

Popular Version

Currently Exclusively on Amazon.

· This is the only Kalimba currently available for purchase on the Internet. This model has helped over 800,000 customers countless people discover their own moments of peace and joy. Rather than detailing its features and benefits here, we invite you to visit your country’s Amazon store to learn more about the product and read reviews from verified buyers.

· Playing the Thumb Piano offers a multitude of benefits, both for the mind and body. One of the most notable advantages is its ability to reduce stress. The soothing, melodic tones produced by the Kalimba can help calm the mind and create a sense of peace, making it an excellent tool for relaxation or meditation. Additionally, playing the Kalimba stimulates brain activity, enhancing concentration, memory, and cognitive function. The act of playing requires both hands to work together, which improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

· Kalimba’s simplicity makes it accessible to people of all ages and skill levels. It’s an excellent instrument for beginners, as it requires no prior musical knowledge, yet still allows for the creation of beautiful music from the very first try. This ease of use can boost self-confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment. For those looking to explore their creativity, the Kalimba is a wonderful outlet, offering endless possibilities for improvisation and musical expression.


Here's a suggested order for the benefits of playing the Kalimba, starting with the most universally appealing and gradually moving towards more specific advantages:

1. Stress Relief: The soothing, melodic tones of the Kalimba can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it an excellent tool for unwinding after a long day.

2. Accessible for All Ages: The simplicity of the Kalimba makes it easy for people of all ages, including children and seniors, to learn and enjoy.

3. Builds Confidence: The Kalimba’s ease of use allows beginners to quickly create beautiful music, boosting self-confidence and providing a sense of accomplishment.

4. Improves Hand-Eye Coordination: The act of plucking the tines with both thumbs improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

5. Enhances Creativity: Playing the Kalimba encourages improvisation and exploration, helping to stimulate creative thinking and expression.

6. Portable and Convenient: The Kalimba is small and lightweight, making it easy to carry around and play anywhere, whether at home, outdoors, or while traveling.

7. Boosts Cognitive Function: Learning and playing the Kalimba engages the brain, enhancing memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities.

8. Promotes Emotional Expression: Music is a powerful medium for expressing emotions, and the Kalimba allows players to convey feelings through its gentle and emotive sound.

9. Therapeutic Benefits: Music therapy often includes the Kalimba for its calming effects, making it a valuable tool for emotional healing and mental well-being.

10. Aids in Meditation: The Kalimba’s calming sounds can enhance meditation practices, helping to focus the mind and deepen the meditative experience.

11. Improves Listening Skills: Playing the Kalimba requires careful listening to the tones and rhythms, which can help improve auditory perception and musical ear.

12. Strengthens Finger Dexterity: Regular practice on the Kalimba helps strengthen the muscles in the fingers and thumbs, improving dexterity and finger independence.

13. Enhances Social Connections: Playing the Kalimba can be a social activity, whether performing for others, joining group sessions, or sharing music with friends and family.

14. Encourages Musical Exploration: The Kalimba is a gateway to exploring other musical instruments and genres, fostering a deeper interest in music.

  • When NEWLAM says that every Kalimba is unique, it’s not just a marketing slogan—it’s a statement rooted in the natural characteristics of the materials used and the personal experience of each player. The uniqueness of each Kalimba begins with the unpredictable nature of the wood itself. Every piece of wood has its own distinctive grain, color, and texture, which are preserved during the crafting process. This means that no two Kalimbas are exactly alike; each one has its own visual character and sonic qualities.
    Wood is a product of nature, and no two pieces are identical. Even within the same tree, the wood can vary in terms of grain pattern, density, and hue. These natural variations make each Kalimba not just an instrument but a one-of-a-kind work of art. For every person who owns a NEWLAM Kalimba, their instrument is truly unique, offering a personalized aesthetic and acoustic experience.

  • Beyond the physical uniqueness of each Kalimba, there’s also the individual experience that each player brings to the instrument. Although the design and structure of each Kalimba may be consistent, the sound produced can vary significantly depending on the person playing it. The tone and resonance of the Kalimba are influenced by how it’s played—the pressure of the thumbs, the angle of the tines, and even the mood of the player. This interaction means that every person will create a different sound, making their musical experience with the Kalimba uniquely their own.
    Music, by its very nature, is a deeply personal form of expression. Even with the same Kalimba, different people can evoke completely different melodies and emotions. This subjectivity in music further enhances the uniqueness of each Kalimba. It’s why NEWLAM believes that every player can discover their own voice and emotional expression through their instrument.

  • At its core, NEWLAM isn’t just about making musical instruments; it’s about creating a connection between the player and nature, as well as between the player and their own creativity. Each Kalimba is a gift from nature, shaped by human hands and infused with new life and meaning. When you pick up your NEWLAM Kalimba, you’re not just holding a finely crafted piece of wood—you’re holding a unique instrument that is attuned to your personal style and emotion.
    This is why NEWLAM confidently claims that every Kalimba is unique. It’s not only because of the natural individuality of the wood but also because of the distinctive musical journey it offers to each player. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned musician, you’ll find your own unique sound and emotional resonance with this instrument, which is the true allure of the NEWLAM Kalimba.

Grace Edition

This product is currently unavailable

This special model we created carries a story.

It’s a reflection of our heartfelt intentions and the connection we share with the players. The Kalimba is engraved with the words “In God We Trust,” a simple yet powerful phrase that adds a layer of depth and meaning to the instrument. We never intended for it to be a mass-produced item; instead, it was crafted as a limited edition to hold special significance for those who resonate with the message it conveys. Out of respect for its unique story and the intimate connection it has with its owners, we decided to discontinue this model.

The creation of this Kalimba was inspired by one of our customers. A woman named Grace has a deeply touching story. For many years, Grace has been a Kalimba player, finding solace and peace in the gentle, melodic tones of this instrument.

*Out of respect for Grace’s wishes, we have chosen not to disclose the details of her story, honoring her privacy and request.*

Grace’s story moved us, and we wanted to create something special for her — and what we could offer at that moment was simply a Kalimba. Thus, this model was born. It serves not only as a musical instrument but also as a symbol of hope and faith, the very hope and faith that accompanied her through 462 days.

Grace’s reaction to the Kalimba was exactly what we had hoped for. She was deeply touched by our gesture, and the Kalimba quickly became one of her most cherished possessions. She often said that playing it felt like a prayer, a way to connect with something greater while expressing the deepest feelings within her through music. The instrument became a part of her healing process, helping her find peace and strength during a time of great uncertainty.

* Note: Only 20 units of this model have been produced, with 1 unit set aside as a sample product. The other 19 units have reached customers with special needs.

Elara Edition

This product is currently unavailable

The holiday season is often a time for surprises and unexpected joys.

On Christmas morning, a lady named Elara received a beautifully wrapped package from her closest friend. Inside was a NEWLAM Kalimba, an instrument she had long admired for its ethereal, haunting tones. Elara had always been drawn to music, especially the kind that could stir the imagination and evoke powerful emotions. The Kalimba, with its delicate, bell-like notes, was exactly the kind of instrument she had been dreaming of.

However, there was one problem. Elara had been living with a condition known as tenosynovitis, a painful inflammation of the tendons in her wrists. While the standard version Kalimba was beautifully crafted and sounded perfect, it was just a bit too heavy for her to play comfortably for extended periods. The weight of the instrument put strain on her wrists, making it difficult for her to enjoy the experience fully.

Determined not to give up on her newfound love for the Kalimba, Elara decided to reach out to NEWLAM directly. She wrote them a heartfelt message, explaining her situation and expressing her deep connection to the instrument. She described how the sound of the Kalimba sparked her imagination, filling her mind with vivid images of beauty and wonder. Every time she played, she felt as if she was transported to another world, where the notes she created painted pictures in her mind.

Elara also shared a personal story from her childhood, one that had stayed with her throughout her life. She grew up in Lebanon, where her biggest dream as a little girl was to sit on the moon and gaze at the stars. It was a simple yet profound wish, one that brought her comfort and happiness whenever she closed her eyes and imagined it. The night sky, with its deep blue hues and twinkling stars, was a source of endless fascination for her.

Elara’s message touched the hearts of the team at NEWLAM. They were moved by her passion for music and her determination to overcome the challenges she faced. While other manufacturers had turned her down, citing the costs and complexities of creating a custom instrument, NEWLAM saw an opportunity to do something special. They knew that the cost of producing a one-of-a-kind Kalimba for Elara would exceed what she could pay, but they also knew that this was about more than just business. It was about making a difference in someone’s life.

So, the team at NEWLAM got to work. They decided to create a lighter version of their Kalimba, using specially selected wood and a lightweight design process. The goal was to craft an instrument that Elara could play comfortably, allowing her to lose herself in the music without worrying about the pain in her wrists. But they didn’t stop there. They wanted to honor Elara’s childhood dream, the one she had shared with them in her letter.

For the design, they chose a deep blue color, reminiscent of the night sky that Elara loved so much. Around the edges of the Kalimba, they added a delicate pattern of stars, circling the instrument like the constellations she used to imagine while dreaming of sitting on the moon. This special edition Kalimba wasn’t just a musical instrument; it was a reflection of Elara’s dreams and her journey.

When Elara received the custom Kalimba, she was overwhelmed with emotion. It was more than she had ever hoped for — a perfect blend of beauty, functionality, and personal meaning. The lighter weight allowed her to play without pain, and the design reminded her of the dreams that had always been close to her heart. Each time she picked up the instrument, she felt a sense of joy and gratitude, knowing that someone had listened to her story and gone the extra mile to make her wish come true.

This special edition Kalimba was never mass-produced. It remained a unique creation, crafted specifically for Elara and her needs. While NEWLAM could have chosen to manufacture and sell it as a new model, they decided to keep it as a one-time project, a testament to their commitment to their customers and their belief in the power of music to touch lives.

* Note: Only 32 units of this model have been produced, with the exception of 1 prototype, and 1 unit set aside as a sample product. The other 30 units have reached customers with special needs.

Harmony Between Sound and Nature

A deeper understanding of the kalimba

When you play the Kalimba, there’s an undeniable connection between the sound it produces and the natural world. The Kalimba’s origins are deeply rooted in the earth, with each instrument crafted from wood and metal—materials that come directly from nature. But beyond its physical components, the music of the Kalimba itself seems to resonate with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world, creating a profound harmony that’s both grounding and uplifting.

The sound of the Kalimba is often described as ethereal, light, and calming. When you press the tines and let the notes ring out, it’s as if the music drifts on the breeze, mingling with the rustle of leaves and the flow of water. The simplicity of its tones mirrors the simplicity of natural sounds—birds chirping at dawn, the gentle rustle of grass in the wind, or the soft patter of rain. These natural melodies are uncomplicated yet deeply soothing, just like the music of the Kalimba.

Playing the Kalimba outdoors can amplify this connection. Whether you’re sitting under a tree, near a stream, or by the ocean, the instrument seems to merge with the environment. The Kalimba’s wooden body, shaped by nature itself, responds to the open air differently than it does indoors. The resonance of each note expands, interacting with the ambient sounds around you. In these moments, you’re not just playing music—you’re engaging in a dialogue with the world around you, where every note is an expression of the natural environment.

The Kalimba’s intimate size and design also contribute to this sense of connection with nature. Unlike larger, more complex instruments, the Kalimba fits comfortably in your hands, much like a stone or a shell you might pick up on a walk. It’s an instrument that invites you to slow down, to become more aware of your surroundings and your inner state. When you play the Kalimba, it’s not about performing or impressing others; it’s about creating a space for reflection and calm, where you can tune into the subtle energies of nature.

There’s a meditative quality to playing the Kalimba that aligns perfectly with the natural world. The repetitive motion of pressing and releasing the tines can become a form of mindfulness, helping you focus on the present moment. As you play, you might find your thoughts quieting, your breathing slowing, and your senses sharpening. You begin to notice the details around you—the way the sunlight filters through the trees, the scent of the earth after rain, or the chorus of insects as dusk falls. The Kalimba, in this way, becomes more than just an instrument; it becomes a tool for connecting with the environment on a deeper, more intuitive level.

The music of the Kalimba also echoes the cyclical patterns found in nature. Just as the seasons change and repeat, the Kalimba’s melodies often involve simple, looping patterns that build and evolve over time. These cycles of sound can evoke the rhythm of waves crashing on the shore or the rise and fall of a bird’s song. Playing these patterns can be incredibly soothing, as they tap into our natural affinity for repetition and predictability, which are inherent in the natural world.

Moreover, the Kalimba’s music has a unique way of reflecting our moods and emotions, much like the changing weather or the shifting light of day. On a sunny day, the Kalimba’s notes might feel bright and cheerful, while on a cloudy day, they might take on a more introspective or melancholic tone. This responsiveness to the environment makes the Kalimba a deeply personal instrument, one that not only connects you to nature but also to your own inner landscape.

In conclusion, the Kalimba’s sound is a bridge between the human experience and the natural world. When you play it, you’re not just producing music—you’re engaging with the elements, the cycles, and the energies of nature. Whether you’re playing indoors or outdoors, alone or with others, the Kalimba invites you to listen more closely, feel more deeply, and connect more fully with the world around you. It’s an instrument that reminds us of our place in the natural order, and of the beauty that can be found in simplicity and harmony.